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Numbers formula ??


iPF Noob
Hello all. I am new to numbers and this is my need. I have taken a blank spread sheet and on the left side column C I have listed my bills by weeks, on the right side column H my income. I am able to get the sum total of each column at the bottom on line 39. I also want to get the amount left over. I need a formula that will subract C fom H and put it in column G on line 39. Does anyone have any ideas ?

It's a pretty simple formula, so I'm guessing your problem is figuring out how to enter it. Here's a step by step.

  • Double tap line 39 in the G column and choose the = sign from the left edge of the editor window to get into formula editor mode.
  • Tap line 39 in the H column. The cell will appear in the editor.
  • Tap the minus symbol in the operators keypad (bottom left of keyboard).
  • Tap line 39 in the C column. The cell will appear.

That's your formula H39-C39.

  • Tap the green checkmark at the right edge of the editor window to enter and check your formal.

It should look similar to the screenshot below just before you tap the checkmark, or if you reselect the cell in editor mode (with 39 instead of 10 for each cell's line)


Good luck.
Is there a book or any kind of learning resources for numbers ? I need another formula and I hate to keep asking.

Here is Apple's iOS App Support page.

Apple - Support - iOS Apps

Choosing Numbers and then Getting Started with Numbers will get you here.


This is basically the same information you can find by selecting the wrench icon and Help in the app.

I have an older book for the iWorks apps, but to be honest it wasn't as clear as Apple's help pages, and didn't cover a whole lot more. At least not the stuff I wanted to know more about. Like you, that was mostly about how to enter and use formulas.

The only other recommendation I have is to explore. Make a scratch spreadsheet, then explore how to enter formulas. Especially work your way though the various Functions and their descriptions. You don't have to understand how to use them all, but it will give you an idea of what is in the tool box. Then you can concentrate on understanding those that you do want to use.

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