I have an iMac running OS 10.8.3 and an iPad running I.O.S. version6.1.3.I use the iPad only very occasionally for downloading e-mail. Ireserve that task for the iMac. I'm using IMAP mail administered by my Internet provider.However on those occasions when I do download e-mail onto the iPad, inthe process it somehow writes extra mailboxes to the mail server. These M'boxes appear in the Mail app on the iMac and call themselves"recovered Messages" and "Default".If I delete an e-mail that's on the iPad a M'box called "DeletedMessages" will then appear on my iMac.I have spoken to the local Apple provider who tell me that thisbehaviour is not caused by either the iPad or the iMac.I have spoken to my Internet provider who is adamant that this behaviourin not caused by them, or the actions of the IMAP mail server.So can anyone on this NG throw any light on this behaviour, or maybepoint me in a direction that would throw some light in this?