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Okay, so what should I do first?


iPF Noob
I am getting my very first Ipad-2 this Wednesday and as the day comes closer I am getting a tad bit agitated. What do I do?

Register for the itunes? Should I have done it already?
Start downloading the apps?
Buy some starters apps or must have apparels?
Do some kind of dance?

Thanks a ton for the replies in advance
Yes, absolutely get yourself set up on iTunes, and if you really can't wait there is no harm in buying some Apps now. When you first connect your iPad to your PC it will let you sync them on there...
Then dance away to your hearts content!
I would definitely download itunes ahead of time and check out the store to find any apps or games that interest you. I found a good number of free games and apps when I got started.
Just be sure to use the same account you set up with iTunes when you set up the iPad. Don't make a new one. It will increas the number of happy faces in your life, or at least prevent a few mad ones. :)
Oh, and about the dancing?

After 10 months, I haven't stopped ...

Just be warned - the iPad is FUN!


P.S. Welcome!
I think the dancing should be taken much more seriously.
It's that sacred ritual you do when it's open loaded and working
Also consider a special grin to go with it.
It's sort of smug...........

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