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Old jailbreaker wonders if it's worth it anymore....


iPF Noob
OK, so greenpois0n is out for an untethered jailbreak. Why am I not excited? I jailbroke my 3G iPhone the moment Blackra1n came out. But I hate to say it, but I am not really sure I see the point.

Is iFile THAT big a deal just to jailbreak for? I've never been one to re-stylize my iphone with different types of icons and whatnot. Don't really need winterboard anymore, and SBSettings never served me all that well. I did like the Bluetooth Mono SBSetting though...

Oh, and I've never needed to switch from AT&T, so that's not an issue either.

Do NOT get me wrong, I've ALWAYS been a huge fan of what the jailbreak community stands for and what it has done in the past. I'm just wondering if it's worth jailbreaking any more. My iphone gets deathly slow, and I'm still on 3.1.3.

The one thing that I know would get me to jailbreak is if someone comes up with a way to get the 1st gen iPad to have facetime with a webcam attached, and I would NOT have to have a jailbroke iPhone 4 to do it.
If you know a really incredible reason I should jailbreak my ipad, please let me know, I'd really like one.


I am not a facetime fan - I used it maybe 6 times. After a few minutes, I forget that facetime is on and then the user gets a picture of the ceiling or something. It is good to show something like a car or something at the deli, but again, it is not an everyday thing.
*Maybe for the iPad it would be a better fit.

I think RETINAPAD is worth the jailbreak for ipad
*makes the non-ipad applications hi-res
One of the best reasons, "AdBlocker" from repo.modyouri.com. It saves your data plan and therefore money if your a big 3G or data user. And, even it you not, it makes reading some site a lot easier without all the adware on them.
For me it's

Display Out
No Lock Screen
Action Menu
Folder Enhancer

That is all.
DisplayOut keeps me on the dark side. If Apple releases that functionality natively, I wouldn't bother. I'm glad I have the option thanks to the hard work of the JB community, though. Choice is always good. Thanks, guys!
All I wanted was easy access to things like brightness and playback and multitasking....got em both!

The only reason I would consider jailbreaking my iPhone now is to tether...but honestly its not really that needed.
,I jail-broke my iPhones 3Gs just so I can Tether to my iPad but now that the new update is going to have "Hotspot" good buy Jailbreak

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