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Old Purchased Apps?


iPF Novice
A number of years ago I purchased a fairly expensive gps app (Garmin USA or some such). I can't find it now on the app store, so I thought I would look through my purchases in the hope of finding it. Surprise! Apparently the app store no longer shows a list of purchased apps! Or, maybe I just no longer know how to access it.

Any helpful suggestions?

On the updates page in the app store, tap on the icon at the top right of the page. One of the headings on the next page is Purchased. Tap to open it and scroll down the list until you get to the app you want to download then tap on the cloud icon.
This has to be one of the stupidest cases of hiding a formerly-accessible feature. What next? Mail in two breakfast cereal boxtops to get a hint in the mail?

BTW, in that list of purchased apps, if the cloud icon is grayed-out, the app is no longer available.
This has to be one of the stupidest cases of hiding a formerly-accessible feature. What next? Mail in two breakfast cereal boxtops to get a hint in the mail?

BTW, in that list of purchased apps, if the cloud icon is grayed-out, the app is no longer available.
I just checked my old iPod Touch that's on iOS 5.1.1 and the list of purchased apps is accessed in the same way.
In regards to your BTW statement; it can also mean that the app is not compatible with the device in question. an example would be a 32 bit app in the purchase history viewed on a device running iOS 11.
On my iPad Air 2 the little Profile Icon appears on every page of the App Store - and shows past purchases.

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