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On 4th iPad and still not satisfied


iPF Noob
Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
I've returned 3 units to the store today, and now I'm looking at taking back the 4th one as well.

The home button on the first three was not flush with the surface, and now the 4th one has a distinctly lower maximum sound volume than my iPad 2.

Has anyone noticed a sound problem with this new iPad?

I'm playing back music, videos etc., and those whom I've demonstrated this to all agree that the sound on the iPad 2 is louder and more robust.

I first noticed it with the keyboard clicks, which were definitely of lower volume than the iPad 2.

And yes, I have both units at maximum volume. :)


Very strange. I haven't noticed any of these issues. Volume sounds great on mine. If you have already played around with the settings and volume rocker I'm not sure there is anything else it could be...
Can't say I've had an issue with volume on my one, however it IS being returned because of bad pixels... ...but 4 returns for you, wow!

Although, knowing my luck, I'll end up with a worse replacement and wished I kept the old defective one...lol

Perhaps others may have had sound issues, but not me.

Best of luck - hope you get a good one before hitting double figures on those returns...hehe
I went into sounds and turned off EQ after trying a bunch of options with music playing as I think the music was 2x as loud with EQ off.
Holy cow, four returns?! You have to be happy with your purchase, though. That's a shame there's not better quality control for the batch you're getting. Mine came in the mail and is absolutely pristine in every way.
No issues or problems here either. In fact, I had backlight bleeding on my 2 and basically just dealt with it (you get used to it!) but none whatsoever with this one.
armoredsaint said:
OP your OCD and crazy, returning 4? :rolleyes:

it's you...not the ipad

Why should I give Apple $750 for a device I am not 100% satisfied with?

I have an iPad 2, and it's perfect. I have been very happy with it since last May, and it only took 2 returns to get it. The first had a dead pixel and the second had some backlight bleeding.

But this new iPad has a slew of different issues...home button not flush with the glass, slightly yellowish tint on backgrounds that are supposed to be pure white, and lower maximum volume level than the iPad 2.

Or maybe like the antenna issue with the iPhone 4, I'm just "holding it the wrong way", lol.
You sound like my ex-husband; he always seems to get the defective devices. He returned his iPhone 4 at least 10 times before he found one that passed his quality control requirements.

At any rate, though, I hope you find the iPad that is right for you.
ElderDruid said:
Why should I give Apple $750 for a device I am not 100% satisfied with?

I have an iPad 2, and it's perfect. I have been very happy with it since last May, and it only took 2 returns to get it. The first had a dead pixel and the second had some backlight bleeding.

But this new iPad has a slew of different issues...home button not flush with the glass, slightly yellowish tint on backgrounds that are supposed to be pure white, and lower maximum volume level than the iPad 2.

Or maybe like the antenna issue with the iPhone 4, I'm just "holding it the wrong way", lol.

The yellow tint is natural on the iPad 3. It's the glue that needs to dry overtime and goes away. It's a known issue and it's been discussed on this forum before.
The yellow tint is natural on the iPad 3. It's the glue that needs to dry overtime and goes away. It's a known issue and it's been discussed on this forum before.

Not all yellowish tint is glue-related. Sometimes the issue is permanent.

My iPad 1 is true white. My husband's iPad 1 is yellowish. My iPad 2 is yellowish. (I happen to prefer yellowish.) The iPads in my household look the same as day of purchase about one to two years ago.

The tint differences have not bothered me or my husband, but there are distinct differences.
I notice that when I put my figure on the home buttom of my iPhone 4S it is very flush..you can not really feel the boundary between the button and the surronding glass...but on my iPad 3, I definitely feel a lip around the button. There is an edge, though small. Do others feel this?
I decided to purchase mine at Walmart. I was the first one in line Thursday night at 9:30 pm. They went on sale at 12:01 am. The Walmart I went to only had 5 in stock, and they were all the 16 gig white. So far, no issues at all. Sound is great.

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