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Onedrive or googledrive app?


iPF Novice
Help on deciding which one to go with for my iPhone 5s and iPad 3. What's the difference between the two apps if any? Which one do you prefer to use on your iPhone 5s or iPad 3? Is it ok to use both of them? Thank you
I'm not familiar with OneDrive, but there is no particular reason why you can't have both. Try them both out, and maybe DropBox and/or Box.com as well. Each has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Once you know what they do and how, you can decide on which ones to keep, or possible upgrade to paid accounts if you find those features compelling.

It's mostly a matter of personal taste and exactly how you are going to use them. None of these apps/services is perfect for every person and use.
I use both on my devices, there are a few differences. You can't print from OneDrive itself, you have to open the file in another app (printer app), while GDrive allows airprinting and Google Cloud printing, e.g.
I also have Box (loads of online storage space) and Dropbox on my iPads. Each one is used for it's own purpose.

Afaik they are all free, so take a look at them, try them, and then decide which one to use - or use them all.
I am using Copy on my iPhone, iPad an Mac and it's cool, they give you a lot of storage space!
Captura de pantalla 2014-04-24 a las 01.47.15.webp

Also Google Drive :) they are a good combo!

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