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Online banking security


iPF Noob
Hi there, how safe is it to use online banking or paying bills on my iPad please. I usually use my windows laptop but there's a problem with it at the moment.

Thanks for any advice which will be greatly appreciated :)
If you are on your home wifi and are using a strong password along with approrpriate router security, it should be fine. I would NOT do it on any public wifi.
Hi there, how safe is it to use online banking or paying bills on my iPad please. I usually use my windows laptop but there's a problem with it at the moment. Thanks for any advice which will be greatly appreciated :)

As already suggested, being on a secure home network, using strong passwords, and assuming that your bank has setup excellent security when you are online, then I'd agree w/ AQ_OC. In fact on your Windows computer, the chance of potentially damaging malware (key loggers, Trojans sending out your personal info, etc.) must be prevented typically by using expensive malware software, such as Norton. These latter issues do not exist when using iOS on an iPad - so you may be even safer? Dave :)
Thank you AQ_OC and giradman for taking the time to reply which is much appreciated ane very helpful and comforting to me! My son uses Apple products all the time and we both have iPhones and he also says that it's safer using the iPad than a Windows computer. I guess that because I've used Windows for fourteen years and have more security than Fort Knox (a little bit exaggerated there!) I've not realised how much safer Apple products are. Have to say that I've never used public wi-fi and never will....I just don't trust it! Take care and thanks again!
Thank you AQ_OC and giradman for taking the time to reply which is much appreciated ane very helpful and comforting to me! My son uses Apple products all the time and we both have iPhones and he also says that it's safer using the iPad than a Windows computer. I guess that because I've used Windows for fourteen years and have more security than Fort Knox (a little bit exaggerated there!) I've not realised how much safer Apple products are. Have to say that I've never used public wi-fi and never will....I just don't trust it! Take care and thanks again!

Hi again - glad that your son & I agree on the safer use of Apple tablets/computers vs. Windows PCs relative to malware. I've had an iPad for nearly 3 years which has become my computer 'on the road' along w/ a BT keyboard - wife and I (now in retirement) take short car trips several times a month and use public & hotel Wi-Fi just to keep up w/ emails & for doing some web browser & forum checks - I feel completely safe w/ the iDevice, but if one plans to use these 'open' Wi-Fi networks, then certain cautions should be taken; quoted below are some suggestions (source given) - Dave :)

Common Sense on the Web (Chambers - OS X Mtn Lion; 2012)

- Never download from a site you don't trust
- Never open an email attachment until checked
- Never enter personal information (PI) into an email
- Never enter PI in a website provided as a link in an email
- Never include any PI in an Internet newsgroup post
- Never buy from an online store w/o an encrypted connection for CC
- Never divulge PI to others over a Messages connection
Again, thank you for taking the time to reply.

I like to think I'm knowledgeable when it comes to security on my laptop. This morning, however, AVG allegedly found something "nasty" although from a previous experience, it could be a false positive which I'm still looking into but because I've been caught with this flu virus that's going around, I've not had the energy nor brainpower to sort it out as I would normally do. But until I'm satisfied that all's ok, I don't want to do anything financial on the laptop. I have to go into my local council's website to pay a council tax (UK) bill using my bank card, hence why I want added comfort that my iPad will be safe to use! Oh the joys of the internet!
I do all my banking from my ipad, it is so easy and definately safer than the pc. If i am out and about I never use public wifi, i have a mobile wifi from 3 mobile which works really well and has a secure password.
Just to add my halfpenny worth, all the above advice is spot on. I use my iPad a lot for online banking. I always use the banking institution web site which is saved in my browser and only use on my home wifi. I take as many precautions as possible to reduce any risk but am always alert to anything suspicious that may come along. All in all, it is a case of being cautious, having strong passwords, safe internet access etc. and keeping an eye on accounts. Many offer an alert service for suspicious activity and other safeguards for online banking and purchasing.
Stay safe everyone and happy new year to you all.
Just to add my halfpenny worth, all the above advice is spot on. I use my iPad a lot for online banking. I always use the banking institution web site which is saved in my browser and only use on my home wifi. I take as many precautions as possible to reduce any risk but am always alert to anything suspicious that may come along. All in all, it is a case of being cautious, having strong passwords, safe internet access etc. and keeping an eye on accounts. Many offer an alert service for suspicious activity and other safeguards for online banking and purchasing.
Stay safe everyone and happy new year to you all.

Good observations there Mike. And a good 2014 for you too!:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
Thanks, Andrew, used to be an interest of mine shall we say, security and risk assessment.
Now your summer is here, enjoy!
Best regards,

Sent from my iPad using iPF
If you are on your home wifi and are using a strong password along with approrpriate router security, it should be fine. I would NOT do it on any public wifi.

Agreed. I try not to use public wifi for anything unless absolutely necessary.. and then I don't do anything that requires high security (bank, iTunes, etc.).
Thank you again to everyone who took the time to give me advice which I really appreciate!

Kind regards to everyone and a happy and healthy 2014 to you all.

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