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Opening PDF's which are embedded in a .doc file.


iPF Noob
I have an issue that affects the company I work for - we sometimes send out Word documents with many embedded PDF files inside. However, some people which the files are sent to have started using iPads, and complain that they cannot open the PDF's on the device. Can anyone give me any solution for this that will work?
OK - I don't have the solution to this problem, but I'm subscribing to the thread because I'm interested in any answers that may come along.

This is a guess, but perhaps the iPad users open the word document in a word editor, which only works with word documents?

Considering the restrictions of iOS, I wouldn't be surprised, that an app, such as Pages cannot access a PDF reader.

Perhaps the document has to be opened in an app, which can open the main document, as well as any embedded files. Could you try opening the file in Goodreader and see, whether that works?
Just joining in with Tim in subscribing because I'm interested in the answer, not because I know anything...

In fact, I've never heard of embedding PDF files into Word files. Just for giggles ... why would you do so? And how?

Anyway, sorry to interrupt.

Mickey330 said:
Just joining in with Tim in subscribing because I'm interested in the answer, not because I know anything...

In fact, I've never heard of embedding PDF files into Word files. Just for giggles ... why would you do so? And how?

Anyway, sorry to interrupt.


I have embedded pdf's into word files......if I'm putting a report to together and one of my guys emails me some content for the report which is in PDF format I just insert it into the word document.....in fact, we do it quite a bit, it's no different than importing an image file into a word document, really easy.

The Archangel
Agreed - the documents in question have 10 or more PDF's embedded as icons within the Word doc, for the purpose of emailing this is quite a bit more convenient. I won't be in a position to test this in GoodReader for a few days, but I have a question out to GoodReader support as to whether they can confirm that this will work - I will keep you posted. I could care less that iOS doesn't have native support for this, that's kind of the point of apps - hopefully there is an app for that :)
yosifcuervo said:
Agreed - the documents in question have 10 or more PDF's embedded as icons within the Word doc, for the purpose of emailing this is quite a bit more convenient. I won't be in a position to test this in GoodReader for a few days, but I have a question out to GoodReader support as to whether they can confirm that this will work - I will keep you posted. I could care less that iOS doesn't have native support for this, that's kind of the point of apps - hopefully there is an app for that :)

Ah, you are inserting the pdf's as icons......I think you need to insert the PDF in it's full state into the word document if you can then I believe that they can be read.....I can't confirm this before Tuesday but I think it may be the solution.

The Archangel
Well, after I learned about inserting PDFs into Word files (thanks, Archangel!), I made a Word document with some imbedded PDF files (both as icons and as straight copy 'n' paste). Then, I tried to open the file with Goodreader after putting it into my Dropbox account. No go.

It also doesn't open in iAnnotate, iCab, Dropbox (as in, the Dropbox preview doesn't show the PDFs), Docs2Go or Flip Reader. This is with the document as a .doc or .docx Word document.

Then, for the heck of it, I saved the Word document as a PDF, with the PDFs still embedded. Again, nothing could open the embedded files. They see the icons as just pictures. You CAN see the PDF file that was pasted in, but that doesn't help keep a nice-looking document.

Almost becoming a challenge here ... but, so far, can't get anything to open the embeds.

Hi everyone, I am a newby to the thread.
I used word with embedded doc's for minutes of meeting that I circulate around the world. All has been well until ipad. Did anyone find a solution to the embedded problem yet please? As we migrate to the ipad, meetings are getting more difficult - desperately seeking a solution - our Dr's are frustrated.

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