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Opinion on iOS 4.2 beta 3

Uzu will not work and freezes the iPad for a few minutes then works but at .5 FPS.
Bible HD crashes back to Desktop....

Not impressed at all.
Uzu will not work and freezes the iPad for a few minutes then works but at .5 FPS.
Bible HD crashes back to Desktop....

Not impressed at all.

Let's not forget that most iPad apps were written for 3.2.2. There are new things in 4.2 that can cause issues with some apps. That being said, so far the only app that has failed me is UZU, and only since their latest update.
Bible HD crashes back to Desktop....

Not impressed at all.
Which one are you using? I am using The Holy Bible King James Version HD from DMBC and is has never failed to open.

I'm using Bible HD by YouVersion as I prefer the NIV translation and they have really nice study tools including daily reading plans. I hope it's fixed by the production release.
1991-C4: YouVersion has two Bible apps for iPad; Bible HD and Bible.
Bible is working fine on 4.2 GM and I really can't tell a difference with Bible HD.

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