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iPF Noob
Apologies if what I am about to ask might seem like a simple question but I'm completely new to the ipad.

I like other folks have video files in some other format than the native Apple format. To watch these files you have 2 choices: Convert the file to the Apple format or find an app that can play non native formats.

To this end I downloaded OPayerHD lite.

Only one question.. How do I get the video files onto the ipad? The videos are not in iTunes.
OPlayer is a great free app for this as you only get a grey box instead of an advert when not connected to a network. If you are planning on purchasing an app though, I would recommend another app such as Buzz Player HD, GoodPlayer or AcePlayer. These apps do the same as OPlayer but also allow streaming of content from a source such as a NAS, Laptop, website etc. they are also much more actively developed, especially GoodPlayer and I think they offer better value for money if you are looking to purchase an app without ads etc.

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