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Organising photos

If the existing album is in Photos already, go to the album you want to add photos to, click on the export arrow, top right. Beside that, to left of it you will notice 'add photos'--click on it. At this point simply find the photos you want from Camera Roll (you will have to go "albums/camera roll"), click on selected photos and then click on 'done'.
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An anyone tell me how to move photos on the new iPad from camera roll into an existing album?

Hi Bourne2 - welcome to the forum! :)

Not sure if the explanation suggested will address your question? If the existing album(s) is one that you synced w/ iTunes, then images cannot be added to them from the 'Camera Roll'; however, images in those synced albums can be added to ones created w/i the Photo app.

Now in the 'Camera Roll', you can follow the advice given, i.e. select the outgoing arrow (top right), check the image(s) you want to place in an existing or a new album (of course, only those created w/i the Photo app), then proceed w/ the 'Add To' selection.

Also, keep in mind that when you do place pics from the 'Camera Roll' into these Photo App created albums, only 'links' to the original images are made; if you delete an image(s) from the 'Camera Roll', its link(s) will also be erased - hope this helps!
So basically the easiest and most permanent way to accomplish what you are trying to do is unfortunately thru your PC. I import the new photos from my camera roll into my PC and then move them into whichever folders I desire on my PC and resync back to my iPad and they are then organized how I want them. This is also the way to delete photos from folders on your iPad that you don't want any longer.
My last message should have referred to 'giradman' but the (sometimes too-smart) keyboard put some other gobbledygook in - sorry!
My last message should have referred to 'giradman' but the (sometimes too-smart) keyboard put some other gobbledygook in - sorry!

No problem but for future reference rather than posting again you can always just hit the "edit post" button at the bottom of your post and go back and clean things up! And I'm sure that giradman appreciates you polishing up his title for him! Glad things worked out for you.

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