Hi Marilyn, you are so helpful and so clear- thank you very much. I have created the folders based on your instructions.
But don't seem to be able to drop another icon from one page to the folder created on another page. For ex I created a game folder on page 1 on the iPad but have another game icon on page 2', I can't seem to drop to the game folder on page 1? Hope you can shed some lights on this also, thank you.
You've got two steps mixed up in this question (folder creation and moving apps between pages), so let me break it down:
The icons you want to put into a folder have to be on the same page. That's because you're not copying them as if they were on a "regular" computer. You can only physically move and place them.
So, to get an icon onto another page, out it into the wiggle mode (press and hold). Then, while it's wiggling, press and hold it and, while still holding it, drag it to the side of the page, towards the page on which you wish to place it. As you hold the icon against the page side, the page should turn and then you can release the icon.
Do note that this is a somewhat finicky process that takes practice and patience. What a lot of people do is put the icon(s) you want to move onto the dock. Then, you can swipe to the page you want and move the icon(s) up off the dock. It seems to work easier, plus there is thoe added benefit that you can move more than one icon at a time.
Then, once the icon is on the same page as your folder, you can press and hold that icon and drag it over on top of the folder. Once it's accepted, you can then release it and your job is done.
There, clear as mud!

This should work for you. If not, please holler back and I'll take another stab at it.