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Organizing PDF files


iPF Noob
I have lots of PDF papers under iBook. Do you know how to organize them?how to create folders etc..?
In iBooks There Are Two Buttons:

1. Store
2. Collections

Press on Collections, you'll be presented with a list, below list 'new' and 'edit'. If you want to create a new book shelf, hit new. Once created, go back to edit where your original pdf files are located. On the upper right corner you'll see a window pane and next to is a series of lines. Press the lines. Your pdf's will become a list and you'll see next to each title a circle that will allow you to select all the pdf files you want moved to the new pdf bookshelf.

Make your selections, hit move, and all the pdf files you selected for the new bookshelf will be in that new 'collection'.

I do not know if there are limits to the number of bookshelves you can create but its always easier for me to keep track of things by keeping my bookshelves as general as possible. For example, I have a book shelf on How to Manuals where all the iPad manuals are stored as well as how to use my camera's manual, how to use my Motion GPS app, etc.
I highly recommend to leave the PDF collection empty.
When you have your full collection of new library. The PDF should act only as the front input for new files. Once you made a download, you move the file to the final destination library.
Works fine for me. I have 10 collections total (for now) with names in 2 different languages as well . Works just great.
Excellent Idea, peled

I highly recommend to leave the PDF collection empty.
When you have your full collection of new library. The PDF should act only as the front input for new files. Once you made a download, you move the file to the final destination library.
Works fine for me. I have 10 collections total (for now) with names in 2 different languages as well . Works just great.

It also looks like an empty bookshelf-- which is an easy way to hide some documents from curious eyes.
What kind of stuff are you downloading???


No wait, I don't want to know!!!
LOL Scott! Your nefarious mind is at it again!

What kind of stuff are you downloading???


No wait, I don't want to know!!!

I am an IT Consultant, service provider. I often review pdf documents from clients with titles like: "Staffing Projections for 2011". Or "IT Budget for XYZ Department." I even had to stop myself from falling out of my chair when my favorite client sent me a pdf file titled: "Whose Head Will Roll If This Proposed Solution Isn't?"

GREAT photo, I'm sending it to my aforementioned client cause his wife Judy sort of looks like her. I'm sending him an email subject line: In Reply to Heads A Rolling Missal...Please review attachment.

All of these types of documents go to another bookshelf.
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//In iBooks There Are Two Buttons:
1. Store
2. Collections//

At the risk of being laughed off this board, are you talking about "ibooks" on the ipad, or "ibooks" in the itunes field (if there is even such a thing)? When I look at ibooks on my ipad, I don't see the two buttons mentioned. At the top left corner, there is a store button, but then beside it, there is a books/pdf button. If you're talking about ibooks in the itunes screen, how do I open that?

It looks like you've posted the solution to what I'm looking for (the option of creating categorized bookshelves), but I can't even get past your first instruction.

Can you please specify where to find the starting buttons (store and collections)? Thanks very much.

Just as an aside, it's a bit of a piss off that what really is a pretty appealing feature (being able to create categorized bookcases, instead of one massive "thrown all together" main bookcase) isn't mentioned not only in the Ipad manual, but also not in any of five books I've looked at on how to use the Ipad (including the missing manual, and Ipad for Dummies).


Never mind. I discovered the problem--I had an old version of ibooks. Works like a charm. Thanks so much for this thread.
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Hello Bubba, welcome to the forum. We were talking about the iBooks app that comes with your iPad. Here is a picture of what I am talking about. I hope this helps?

Goodreader seems to have a nice folder/file system for organizing if you're interesting in getting another app to handle them. Has decent annotation options as well.
The only problem I see with using/filing my PDF files in iBooks is ... it does not have the capability of showing annotations (underlining, highlighting, etc) that I have made on various PDF files. Good Reader, PDF expert and others do, however. They allow for a folder structure as well as possess the ability to make and retain underlining, highlighting, etc. Just a matter of choice or preference in what you want to do I guess


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