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Organizing videos


iPF Novice
Is there any way to make folders somehow to organize my videos on the Ipad? Right now Itunes lumps them all together, movies, tv shows, etc.

I was hoping there was a way to make folders, and separate out the tv shows from the movies at the very least? When you have about 100 videos of various types, it's very difficult to sift through them when they are lumped onto one screen.
Is this really a tough question? Over 60 views, and no answer? Can someone at least chime in and say "no, there is no way to organize your videos"......

Hoy vey...
Problem is that it's such a reasonable questions that no one is likely to commit to saying no. So, like me, they are waiting for someone else who may have a solution.

But since they haven't, I'll test an idea I have. It will take a while. I don't normally keep music videos on my iPad, so I've got to do some syncing.

I'll be back and let you now if I've found a way, or whatever.

It's similar to a question someone had earlier about being able to have his music videos play one after another, instead of having to start each one. I don't believe anyone had a good answer for that either.

Ok, sync done, and no, I don't have a good answer. I though if I created a play list for videos they would show up organized in the Video app. But they don't. You can view them in the playlist on the iPod app. But when you play one it takes you to the video app. And when it's over you stay there. So, it's manually back tot he iPod app, and start over.

If you are willing to abandon the video app and iTunes you can save them in something like GoodReader. That will let you store them in folders. They will still only play one at a time, but you won't have to bounce back and forth in different apps.

Some of the third party video playing apps might do what you want also. You'll have to search the App Store on you own for that. I've no experience with them. A quick search a couple days ago didn't show any that would access and play from the iTunes library.

As long as you are at home, there are a few programs that will use your computer as a streaming server, and can access the iTunes library. They require that your computer be on and have a companion program installed.

Again, check the App Store. Search for streaming, streaming music, or similar. Also search the forum here for those terms. There have been several informative discussions on various home streaming solutions.

Now I've told you everything I don't know. ;)
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Hey, I really appreciate your comments and time Twerppoet. I too went through the same test you did. I just figured it should be easy somehow to put things in folders. I'll have to leave it with just two folders, "Movies" and "TV Shows" since that seems to be the only way you can organize.


Just want to chime in on twerppoet's suggestion on using GoodReader to organize videos and other media.

If you're using a Mac, there is a standalone OSX app (GoodReaderUSB) that allows you to quickly load your files directly into GR without using iTunes. I really like this method because I tend to load the iPad with a lot of tech/training videos that I want to watch once or twice, but not necessarily keep around. This way I don't have to clutter my iTunes library with unnecessary video files and GR allows me to organize everything by folders the way I like.
I had the same problem, but googled 'playlist+iPad+videos' A blog by a guy called

vinhkho solved the problem beautifully.
If you tag the videos as TV shows, it groups them based on the series and season tags, and orders them based on track number. Tag a nice cover and they behave a lot like folders.

I would think you can do the same in the podcast category.

Although you can do it in iTunes, its faster with a dedicated tagger. MetaX, etc. Tag before you import into iTunes, or you'll have to do a get info on each file to update the database.

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