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Ota update


iPF Noob
Hey guys is it possible to update my jailbroken 5.0.1 ipad 2 to 5.1.1 in the settings update thing? I dont mind losing my jailbreak. Actually, id rather prefer it going to stock 5.1.1(like a restore).
No, you can't OTA a jailbroken device without messing it up. You need to do a full restore to 5.1.1, then jailbreak it when the new tool is released. Sorry :(
And also can i restore from my ipad and then ota update. I dont have a proper computer and i might have to use my dads. And i import my music directly from the ipad so is there a way to backup the new music onto itunes so i can restore it onto my fresh ipad. Same for apps and tweaks like i said before :P
And also can i restore from my ipad and then ota update. I dont have a proper computer and i might have to use my dads. And i import my music directly from the ipad so is there a way to backup the new music onto itunes so i can restore it onto my fresh ipad. Same for apps and tweaks like i said before :P

You will have to use a computer to restore your iPad to the newest iOS. You can't do it on the iPad itself, unless, as f4780y pointed out, you want to mess up the iPad. It just won't work without a computer.

If you are not using the iTunes that you normally sync the iPad to, then, when you first hook the iPad up to the different iTunes, once it shows in the left column, right click on it and select transfer purchases. However, before you do this, I suggest you create a separate iTunes library on that computer. Else, transferring your apps over may mess up the other person's iTunes account. Or, you can just re-download your apps from the App Store after you've restored the iPad.

If you aren't using the original iTunes to which you first synced the iPad, then you will have to use a third party program (downloaded to a computer) that will transfer the music from the iPad to iTunes. You'll need to do this before you restore the iPad as the iPad will be wiped back to a fresh out of the box state when you restore. The syncing and "transfer purchases" option will not work on music that was not bought via iTunes or on the original account.

You wont have any Cydia tweaks after this process is done because you won't be jail broken. However, with the jail break for iOS 5.1.1 coming out in the next day or two, you'll just have to wait until you can jail break it. But, after jail breaking, you'll be able to go back to Cydia and get your tweaks to reinstall them. Cydia is like the App Store in that any tweaks you've bought are yours forever.

Good luck and let us know how you get on. Holler if you have more questions.

Thanks so much. So i guessill have to take screenshots of my cydia tweaks so ill know what i had installed and of my apps. :P
Ill let you know how things went. It might take a few wks though. Thanks so much guys dont know what id do without you.

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Hey guys just one question
Is there any way to save all my game app saves? Like angry birds etc. etc. etc.
In a hurry sorry if any typos or unclear

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Hey guys just one question
Is there any way to save all my game app saves? Like angry birds etc. etc. etc.
In a hurry sorry if any typos or unclear

Sent from my iPad using iPF

You save all your app / game data using either the iTunes or iCloud backups (whichever you prefer). Personally, I use iCloud.

Hope that helps.
Well according to me not all saves are through icloud. Only for icloud supported apps right? And are they automatically saved or do i have to do something

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VaibhavRohan said:
Well according to me not all saves are through icloud. Only for icloud supported apps right? And are they automatically saved or do i have to do something

Sent from my iPad using iPF

All of your data can be backed up to iCloud whether the app knows about it or not. The apps are never backed up because they are always available to redownload.

Not all apps can store files to iCloud but that has nothing to do with backup and restore.
But if i back and restore through itunes, will it save any jailbreak data,or is there any chance that i will end up with the same problems that i am restoring to solve?

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Last edited:
wow thanks it was tedious backing up each individual app but i think it will be worth it! :D im almost ready to restore just a few more screenies!

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hey guys, actually, my dad got a new laptop. so i have a fresh itunes i can use to restore my ipad. so i tried using mickeys suggestion and right clicked on the ipadj in the left pane but therea was no transfer purchases! so what can i do to move all my music from my ipad to the fresh itunes??
hey guys, actually, my dad got a new laptop. so i have a fresh itunes i can use to restore my ipad. so i tried using mickeys suggestion and right clicked on the ipadj in the left pane but therea was no transfer purchases! so what can i do to move all my music from my ipad to the fresh itunes??

Unfortunately, "transfer purchases" is only for transferring apps to iTunes. In order to get music off your iPad to the new iTunes, you'll have use a third party program. There are many out there on the Interwebz, I don't know any off the top of my head. Sorry.


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