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Outlook Distribution list to iCloud contacts group

Mary F

iPF Noob
I have distribution lists on my Office Outlook contact list. I dragged one called 'testing' to the "Contacts in iCloud" folder on my PC.
When I search for it in this "Contacts in iCloud" folder it comes up entitled 'testing' with the word 'Group' under it.

Success I thought - I have created a new group in my icloud contacts. But NO.

I went to icloud.com and guess what.
No evidence of 'testing' in either 'Groups' or in 'All Contacts'

When I put a new contact into 'Contacts in iCloud' in my PC, it syncs beatifully with the cloud.

Is what I am trying to do not possible?
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Can anyone help me move a distribution list to icloud as a group on the PC.

The only groups I have on the icloud are the ones I have done on cloud at icloud.com

Any help gratefully received
I dont' use Outlook, so if my instructions or assumptions are a bit off, please bear with me.

iCloud groups are just convenient folders for related contacts; like family, business, etc. They are not distribution lists, and will not work like distribution lists. This is probably why your Outlook distribution lists don't import as groups when you try whatever it is you are doing. I'm a bit unclear on that part.

If you are trying to copy the contacts to iCloud, try exporting them from Outlook as a .vfc first, then create the group at icloud.com and import the file to that group. You should find the options under the gear/settings icon.

If you are trying to create distribution/mailing lists, many people are using the app MailShot. This app creates special contact entries that can be used to send emails to a group of people. You'll have to recreate those lists on the iPad. No way to import them that I know of.
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