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Pages for ipad offline documents


iPF Noob
I have an ipad 2 with pages installed on it and synced with icloud.
When im offline i cant open any document. That makes the app useless 80 percent of the times. I could uncheck the sync option but it would erase alll the docs i have on pages and i dont want to re download everything again. Is there another way to have access to alll my docs even when offline?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I have an ipad 2 with pages installed on it and synced with icloud.
When im offline i cant open any document. That makes the app useless 80 percent of the times. I could uncheck the sync option but it would erase alll the docs i have on pages and i dont want to re download everything again. Is there another way to have access to alll my docs even when offline?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

That sounds very strange to me - I use Pages offline every day...
However I do open Pages from time to time while I am still having connection, giving some time to synchronize all documents.
Could it be a memory issue on your iDevice?
If that is not the case, re-installing an App sometimes works like charm!

Hope it helps!
You should check your internet setting which will be work at a time of offline. because when u downloaded document from net the whole document synchronize at once. at the time device goes offline verify that synchronization going or not. if yes then change in setting of that apps or network. you can easily read document offline.

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