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Pages not retaining photo edits!


iPF Noob

Have just downloaded Pages to use for word processing and find that if I crop images with the onboard photo editor and then insert them in a Pages document the crop does not show up - I get the original image. It's bizarre - the editor destroys the original while cropping to the new frame but Pages ignores this and pastes the original. Grrr!

Any suggestions?
Actually, the editor in the Photos app is non-destructivve. If you go back and choose to edit the photo again you'll see the ability to revert to the original. You'll see that before you make any changes.

My recommendation is to get another app to do your photo editing, then save the results back to the camera roll; where you'll be able to import it into Pages.

iPhoto's controls are bit strange, but versatile once you get used to them. There are numerous other possibilities.

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