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Pages too large to email?


iPF Noob
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Pinehurst, NC
Need some expert help! When I travel I develop daily travel logs to send to folks at home using Pages. But the graphic based pages are too many Mgs (25.6 sometimes) using PDFs to email so to get around that problem, I used to do a screen shot of my final single page (see example). This usually was less than 1 meg so I could e-mail it easily....BUT, now that Apple has caused the menu bar at the top to be stationary, it is impossible to get a screen shot of the entire page...so do any of you have any solutions? I have tried several things but no luck yet...in reducing the size of the email...HELP as I am traveling again and need help. THANKS, Bill
You could get a free Box.com account. You can export files directly from Pages to Box.com using the WebDAV option. Once there you can use the Box app to generate a share link, and email that link instead of the entire file.

This bypasses any file attachment limits in email, but will still require a robust enough internet connection to upload the entire file.

The free Box account also has file size limits, but I believe it's 100MB.

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