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pc doesnt recognize ipad

I jailbroke my ipad and it was working great, there was a app I had bought already that was on Itunes and I wanted to put it back on the ipad. I tried to restore my ipad first back to factory, but after the restore itunes will see it but says it cannot properly access ipad. I have done a factory restore several times but no good. this was on a pc.

I hooked it up to my mac and it did the restore and will sync stuff but that is not the itunes i use. When I hook it back up to my PC and try a factory restore again I get the same problem. I cannot properly connect to pc itunes it will do nothing.
Any ideas/
plug your ipad into your pc

open itunes

Fully power off your iPad

with the ipad off Hold the home button until it powers on and itunes says it found an iPad in recovery mode.

perform a restore and see if it works.
I have done that several times. it goes thru the restore but when it done it says there is a problem and cannot connect properly, i forget the exact writing.

I am wondering if I take it into apple with it restored with my mac instead of the pc if they will be able to tell about the jailbreak, since it will not restore using the original pc (not mac) the i first used and everything is on.

It will not properly restore to factory with the pc
Try this.

Go into settings > general settings > reset

and reset all settings and content.

then see if the PC will see it in itunes.

That is basicly like performing a restore from within the ipad.

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