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PC Guy Considering ipad 2 (?'s)


iPF Noob
I have PC laptops & Desktop running XP & Windows 7.

I'm considering geting an ipad 2 mostly to use as a portalbe image view/frame for my photographs.

I like its screen resolution, size, weight and screen dimensions (more proprtionate to DSLR image, not wide screen).

Anyway I know I'll have to upload my images to iturnes (which I don't have yet) but want to know if I can transfer files back & forth via a usb cable.

Also can it be charged using the usb cable connected to pc or only with ac plug?

Being a photo guy I know that mac's are the industry standard but photography mostly a hobby for me.

I always hear how much nicer mac's are to work with and if I can use usb and work with pc to get started I can see replacing our current pc's w/macs in the future.

Would I be able to use apps if I get the Wifi model and not the 3G

Any and all tips/suggestions appreciated,

Hi Steve. You can use a computer to transfer photos back and forth. An even better way is to buy the camera connection kit which allows memory cards to be placed into it and you can put photos straight on the iPad.

iPad can be charged by USB but it takes ages compared to using the mains.

Yes you can use apps! You just have to download them when in a wi fi zone like at home. Apps that require a mobile data connection will not work properly/update such as Facebook will not update when not in wifi.


Based in the UK.
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Hi Steve - welcome! I enjoyed looking at your photos - :)

Just to address a few of your questions; others will likely respond and many of your queries have been addressed in other threads, so some searching might be useful.

The charger that comes w/ the iPad2 (which I own) puts out 10W and is the quickest means of recharging the device; lower powered adapters or USB ports (depending on their power or not) may not charge the iPad at all or will at a slower rate; the power adapter is attached via a USB plug which can be used to sync w/ iTunes.

Regarding getting images onto the iPad, there are many options - certainly syncing w/ iTunes is just one; the Apple Camera Connection Kit (shown below) attaches to the docking station of the iPad - one option accepts a standard SD card (which I use w/ my digital cameras); the other accepts a USB plug from your camera. A third option is to email images to yourself and then copy them to your 'camera roll' in the photo app.

Also, a number of photo apps are available at the Apple Store - I use Photogene which is fine for my amateur needs; you may want a more detailed program - but just some responses to get you started.

BTW - I have just the Wi-Fi version; all my apps work fine - :)

Steve have a watch of this YouTube camera connection review. Will give you an ideal of how it works. The USB connector has had it's powered lower so many camera cannot be plugged in directly. If an sd memory card is in your camera you could plugged that in.

Here's the link -


Thanks everybody.
What I really want to be able to do is to put my edited images on the ipad, mostly jpegs but some tiff & dng as well.

I'll do the editing on my pc since it has Lightroom. I mainly want the ipad as more of a portable e- portfolio as well as learning the mac way of doing things.

If all goes well I'll likely phase from pc to mac as I replace our current crop of pc's which are still only a year or two old.

Thanks again and keep the tips coming as well as any other things you think I may find useful with the ipad,

there is a photobucket app, for when you cant use hardwire to transfer, just login.
a lot of other apps involving photography.
once you get the ipad, you will see how many options you have to pick and choose.
and you are on the right forum too, just be sure to use the search feature at the top, then try google.
chesterdawg said:
Thanks everybody.
What I really want to be able to do is to put my edited images on the ipad, mostly jpegs but some tiff & dng as well.

I'll do the editing on my pc since it has Lightroom. I mainly want the ipad as more of a portable e- portfolio as well as learning the mac way of doing things.

If all goes well I'll likely phase from pc to mac as I replace our current crop of pc's which are still only a year or two old.

Thanks again and keep the tips coming as well as any other things you think I may find useful with the ipad,


Since you use lightroom....have a look at photosmith for ipad:

Another app that mght be to your liking...portfolio for ipad:
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