iPad Fan
Well, last night I ordered a MacPro (retina display) laptop & an iPad Mini for my wife - will have no problem getting her Mini onto the new laptop, BUT have a lot of questions concerning the following and hope others who have gone through this process can offer their experience:
1. Best way(s) to get my iTunes settings/data/music from my Dell Vista laptop to the new MacPro (cloud options possible)?
2. iPad2 transfer - wired sync, wireless, need for backup?
3. iPod 2G transfer (has most of my music)?
4. Same or separate Apple accounts for the two of us?
5. Can my purchased apps be put on my wife's Mini & does a single or dual account make a difference?
Thanks for any help - arrival should be next week and wanted to be prepared; now, to start learning Mtn Lion! Dave
1. Best way(s) to get my iTunes settings/data/music from my Dell Vista laptop to the new MacPro (cloud options possible)?
2. iPad2 transfer - wired sync, wireless, need for backup?
3. iPod 2G transfer (has most of my music)?
4. Same or separate Apple accounts for the two of us?
5. Can my purchased apps be put on my wife's Mini & does a single or dual account make a difference?
Thanks for any help - arrival should be next week and wanted to be prepared; now, to start learning Mtn Lion! Dave