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PC to MacPro - Linking iDevices & Data Transfer?


iPad Fan
Well, last night I ordered a MacPro (retina display) laptop & an iPad Mini for my wife - will have no problem getting her Mini onto the new laptop, BUT have a lot of questions concerning the following and hope others who have gone through this process can offer their experience:

1. Best way(s) to get my iTunes settings/data/music from my Dell Vista laptop to the new MacPro (cloud options possible)?

2. iPad2 transfer - wired sync, wireless, need for backup?

3. iPod 2G transfer (has most of my music)?

4. Same or separate Apple accounts for the two of us?

5. Can my purchased apps be put on my wife's Mini & does a single or dual account make a difference?

Thanks for any help - arrival should be next week and wanted to be prepared; now, to start learning Mtn Lion! Dave :)
Definitely get on the same Apple account. Is there a good reason not to? Anything you buy is available on any device running the same OS, whether OS X ML or iOS. If you have two accounts, you have to re-buy apps or be restricted to a single device.

Whether you do wifi back or your wired is up to you. Wired is faster.

I don't have a clue how to transfer iTunes setting across platforms. Why do you need to do this? Just put the new device on the MacPro or put it on the dell. If you put it on the dell, you don't need to transfer anything.

Where did the iPod music come from? If you bought it from iTunes, then you simply download it again. If you transferred it via iTunes (meaning you ripped it or bought MP3s some place else), then just use iTunes to transfer it to a device. You have to decide which device to feed it from.
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Well, last night I ordered a MacPro (retina display) laptop & an iPad Mini for my wife - will have no problem getting her Mini onto the new laptop, BUT have a lot of questions concerning the following and hope others who have gone through this process can offer their experience:

1. Best way(s) to get my iTunes settings/data/music from my Dell Vista laptop to the new MacPro (cloud options possible)?

2. iPad2 transfer - wired sync, wireless, need for backup?

3. iPod 2G transfer (has most of my music)?

4. Same or separate Apple accounts for the two of us?

5. Can my purchased apps be put on my wife's Mini & does a single or dual account make a difference?

Thanks for any help - arrival should be next week and wanted to be prepared; now, to start learning Mtn Lion! Dave :)

Hi Dave--congrats on your two purchases! How exciting for you-I can't help but be excited for you as well! :)

I had to think about these tasks myself about a month ago when I wanted to transfer my music files off my PC (Windows XP) to my new MacBook Air. I actually transferred my music file to an external Hard Drive. The majority of the music were from CDs I uploaded to iTunes when I first purchased my iPod classic. The following links helped me a great deal. Have a look at these for transferring purchases and also music.

iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer

Transferring your iTunes Library | iLounge Article

How Do I Transfer Music from My PC to My Mac? :: My First Mac - Help Buying and Getting Started with Your New Mac

I hope that helps you!

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Thanks AQ_OC & Carol for your comments - the links were quite helpful - so far, I'll just go ahead and 'authorize' the Mac laptop when it arrives, stay w/ just one account, transfer what I can from my iPad2 & old iPod - the music is mostly ripped from my own CDs but I have it backed-up to an external drive & a 32 GB USB stick, so have a number of transfer options; once done, I'll just plug the new Mini into the Mac and start DLing apps that my wife may want - looking forward to their arrival next week - Dave :)

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