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PDF annotations apps


iPF Noob
I am in need of a PDF annotation app. Majority of the times, I will be just using highlight function. I am looking at GoodReader, iAnnotatePDF and PDF Pen. I have looked at Good Reader on colleague's iPad (but haven't played extensively). I have used iAnnotatePDF on my android tablet and happy with its offering. PDF Pen, I have not tried but looks like good option, expensive..

Primary selection criteria for these apps is, the app should be able to open pdfs from Dropbox and save them right where it was, i.e. just annotate the pdf and overwrite the current copy with annotated one (instead of importing it in the program and keeping the annotated copy there). I am not too sure which of these apps can do this job. iAnnotate PDF works like this on android but I don't know if it does on iOS too. I don't know anything about the other two.

I will be glad if any user of these programs can tell me if any of these programs perform as I want them to perform.

Many thanks in advance.
I don't think good reader works like that, but it will sync folders on your iPad with a folder on your drop box. Frankly, I think your way is a bit
dangerous because if your WiFi drops out before that file save is complete then you could lose data. I would not chose to work that way.
Both GoodReader and PDF Expert can be set up to sync with DropBox folders. That might not be exactly what you want, since the copy will be in both places, but it would be the same copy.

For highlighting I think PDF Expert is better than GoodReader. At least I prefer how it's tools highlighting tools work.

Can't comment on the other apps mentions, as I've never tried them.
I think the Dropbox API doesn't allow you to modify files on the cloud thus, regardless the app you pick, the files will always be edited locally and then uploaded to the cloud.
I think the Dropbox API doesn't allow you to modify files on the cloud thus, regardless the app you pick, the files will always be edited locally and then uploaded to the cloud.

Thats OK. A long as the app does it by itself, I don't care. All I want is, updated file to be there.
Goodreader has a one and/or two-way sync with Dropbox (and import from a variety of other sources) I use it on whole folders rather than individual files though, and the sync must be initiated - it's not automatic on closing the modified file, and can't be scheduled. Just one more tap though (which I actually grew to like) after I annotate a bunch of student papers (all in one folder) one tap syncs them all.
PDF Expert automatically syncs a document back to DropBox as soon a you close it, assuming it is in one of the folders set to sync. It also syncs the folder from DropBox as soon as you open that folder in PDF Expert.

There is also a convenient and prominent Sync button in the navigation sidebar.

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