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PDF links goes to different page when tapped in ibooks


iPF Noob
Good day everyone!

I'm working for a publishing a company. I am right now linking a number of PDF files for ibooks. However, some pdf links does not linked properly when tapped. For example, when I tapped the link for Lesson 1, it will highlight the Lesson 2 link and open the page for Lesson 2. When Lesson 2 is tapped, Lesson 3 is highlighted and opened, and so on. Is this bug? If so, is there a solution for this? thanks!
Hi ging...I am not certain of answering your question. Perhaps others will have better offerings than I.

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Hi and welcome to the Forum!

I'm not completely sure on this either but when an app behaves strangely it is best to close it completely and then relaunch it. From the home screen do the four finger swipe up or double press the home button to reveal your multi task bar. These are all the apps that you have opened at one time. Long press the app until it jiggles and a red minus sign will appear above it. Press the minus sign, this will close the app, not delete it, now press the home button to return to your screen. It's also a good idea to close all these apps, as it helps the iPad run smoothly. Let us know how you go.

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