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pdf, powerpoint, excel, word


iPF Noob
hello all-
I am trying to sync all my files that I originally had in my thumbdrive to my ipad. here is a series of questions that relate to the problems I encountered while doing so.
1. Where does the PDF and PPT files get saved in my Ipad?- I have ibooks and the mobile reader for PDF and PPT, jpeg etc.
2. How do I sync these files. Please I need a step by step direction since itunes, ipad, etc are all new to me for I havent owned a mac product until now.
3. how do I open or access PDf and PPT files? If I go through the reader, will I be able to select the files like you do in a regular computer? or do I open the file and the reader automatically kicks in since I bought the app for that?
Thanks again!
.ppt files will be saved in the filespace of an app, such as Apple's Keynote, that can read .ppt or .pptx files. There is no 'general' filespace in the iPad; each app has its own filespace. So, to be able to store and/or view, say, .ppt or .pdf files you need an app that can read those files. If you have multiple apps that can read, say, PDF files then each app keeps its own local copy of that file - i.e. the .pdf file is duplicated as many times as there are apps that can read it.

If you want to transfer files to the iPad, most Members use GoodReader because that app can transfer (and read) most files and you can send them from your PC to the iPad using WiFi and without having to use that dreadful iTunes software. Have a look at GoodReader in the App Store and read the many threads on this Forum with Members comments and reviews.

thanks tim! I will look into this. have you heard of the mobile viewer? I downloaded that app for $14.99 and it said it could read and store pdf and ppt, excel adn word.
Hello - I'm w/ Tim in using Apple's iWorks, i.e. Pages, Numbers, & Keynote - the latter allows opening of Powerpoint files (and editing); the PDF files can be stored & read in iWorks, although I would suggest obtaining GoodReader, a powerful all-purpose program and one of the best PDF readers around.

Regarding getting your files onto the iPad, there are a number of different options but an easy one is to use Dropbox (CHECK HERE) - an app is loaded onto your iPad and you also download a program for your specific computer (whether a PC or a Mac) - with the computer-based program you load files from you computer's HD onto the web-based Dropbox server in the cloud - these files will be immediately available to you from the iPad app, and can be downloaded there to the apps on your device that will accept them (probably even the 'Mobile Document Viewer' you mentioned in your posts - but I have no experience either w/ this program) - give all a try and post back your results here - good luck! :)

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