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.pdf problem


iPF Noob
Hey all,

I have a problem opening .pdf files, converted from MS Word to .pdf in Adobe Acrobat. The .pdf file shows different font, font size and font settings. The font originally is arial, nothing exotic. The iPad pdf reader I use is GoodReader.
Please give me a hint what may be wrong.

I don't have a good answer for you. The Arial font is standard on the iPad, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Try the free Adobe Reader app for the iPad and see if that makes a difference.

If you have the original Word file, you could also try downloading the new Microsoft Word app for the iPad and see what the file looks like there. It's a read only app unless you have an Office 365 subscription, but that might be enough for what you want.

If you happen to have the Pages app from Apple, you could try importing the Word file there as well, and see what happens. If that looks good you can export it as a PDF from the Pages app.

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