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Photo sync help


iPF Noob
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hello friends i need help in sync the photoes from my pc to my ipad..i know all the steps and i m doing that but problen is that i just want to sync some selected folder from my pc so i sync that and its done successfully..but now after few days again i want to sync some other folder so i m tring to sunc tthe new folder and if i do that thn i will loose my previously syncs folder..bt i want both folders...how to keep that both???plz help me friendz...how to keep previously sncs photoes also and new 1 also...

Maitrey for IPF
Hello Maitrey - I'm assuming that you have a Windows computer and using iTunes via a USB connection. Attached is a 'screenshot' (from iTunes w/ my iPad cabled via USB) w/ the Photos tab opened - as can be seen, the option to sync only 'selected photos' is chosen plus only 2 picture folders on my Vista laptop are checked off - keeping those folders checked permits both to sync; if one or both are unchecked then they would be removed from my iPad. So, take a look to see if your photos options are set correctly?

Good luck and please post back if still having a problem - :)


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