Have you checked the Camera Roll in your Photos app? this is where the photos should be saved.
In the meantime, Hello, and welcome to the forum!
The iPad Forums (called iPF for short) is the largest online forum dedicated to the revolutionary piece of technology that is the iPad. This forum, as you way expect, contains a wealth of information that is at your fingertips. This is the reason why the search tool can be your best friend, as there is a wealth of information spread across a variety of threads. It is likely that you will find a thread containing an answer to your question, but if not, then by all means, post your question. Be sure that your are in the correct section before doing so, by selecting the Forum index button and selecting the forum that your query falls into (most likely iPad Help) before clicking the New Thread button. Since we have a community full of friendly, helpful members that are only too willing to help, your issue should be solved in no time! It is likely that there are others who have the same problem, but have not posted a thread on it, and you will all benefit from the information gained, plus others in the community who always love to learn more about the iPad. Don't feel that you're the only noob and everyone else knows more; we have plenty of new members who are learning about the iPad quickly, thanks to the online community known as iPad Forums.
We have our own app for the iOS operating system; it is very easy to navigate and is a great way to harness the power of iPF on your iPad.
We are hoping to get an app for your computer sometime in the future; for now, visit this site on your computer.
A great place to start is the Apple iPad manual. Please get a copy of this and read it prior to posting your question.
We have a few threads here that you can greatly benefit from if you are interested in learning tips, tricks, and shortcuts for the iPad. If you have read through the three following threads and know of a tip/trick/shortcut that is not mentioned on them, feel free to add it!
Like any online community, we do have rules. Please read them through before making any further posts.
Also, for your iPhone-related questions/comments/tips/etc., please check out our sister site, iPhone Forums.
You should feel right at home there, as the website has the same interface, and you will find that many of the administrators, moderators, and members from iPad Forums are also on iPhone Forums. Mainly the same rules apply cross-website, but please read them as well. Visit the iPhone Forum website for more information.
Encore une fois, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue et sommes très heureux que vous nous avez rejoint! (Once again, we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!) Keeping all of this information (and the community rules) in mind, please enjoy the forum; we love having new members to contribute to this wonderful community and database of information. Remember, the three objectives are to help others out/learn something new, enjoy the forum, and HAVE FUN!
We really appreciate you joining us. Our most benevolent thanks go to you.
Sincerely yours/Best regards,