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Photos into albums


iPF Noob
Does anyone know how to take photos from one album and create other albums and move photos into them?
Will I be able to move the photos or will they be copied (that is stay in original album and copy in new album)

Does anyone know how to move photos around in an album to rearrange them?
Why not try it and see?

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I tried it. When you're in an album, click on the curvy arrow in the top right corner. This will allow you to select photos from which to create an album. Then, click "add to" and choose or create an album to add them to. What you'll actually get is effectively a new shortcut to the same file i.e. crop one of the photos and it's counterpart will also appear cropped. So, in answer to your question, it is neither moved nor copied, it is just referenced.

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thanks alot - it works - so the photos stay in the original cameral roll and also are in the new album. How do I change the name of an album??
I've not come across a way to change names yet, but at the very least, you could probably copy the photos to a new album with the desired name, then delete the original. It's not great, but it's astart.
good idea, thanks. I did figure out how to move photos around in an album. You select the album, tap edit, then from the corner of a photo you can move it to another place in the album.
gulfportgal said:
Does anyone know how to take photos from one album and create other albums and move photos into them?
Will I be able to move the photos or will they be copied (that is stay in original album and copy in new album)

Does anyone know how to move photos around in an album to rearrange them?

CAMERA ROLL...Does anyone know how to retrieve the camera roll album. Mine just vanished,
thanks alot - it works - so the photos stay in the original cameral roll and also are in the new album. How do I change the name of an album??

Keep in mind that when an album is created in the Photo App and images are moved from the 'Camera Roll' into the newly created album(s), only a link(s) to the picture(s) is placed w/i the album - those images can be deleted in the album, BUT if images are deleted from the 'Camera Roll', then the same images (i.e. their links) disappear in the albums - do a little testing so that you understand the process - good luck! :)
giradman said:
Keep in mind that when an album is created in the Photo App and images are moved from the 'Camera Roll' into the newly created album(s), only a link(s) to the picture(s) is placed w/i the album - those images can be deleted in the album, BUT if images are deleted from the 'Camera Roll', then the same images (i.e. their links) disappear in the albums - do a little testing so that you understand the process - good luck! :)

Thanks I understand. As to my camera roll vanishing I did get it back by tapping on pictures instead of albums. I am still getting to know the iPad!

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