iPF Noob
How can be iPad be so bad just at just dealing with photos? -- it should be the perfect photo viewing device.
- Photos (like other media, apparently) can not be copied directly to the device - this means that all scripts, smart sync tools, phto managers, native OS copy, etc., are not available and iTunes must be used to sync.
- iTunes treats photos as 2nd-class objects compared to music - photo meta-data is not used for sync or viewing
- I have digital photos from about 2003 on, about 12,000 pics or so. I've written a script to pre-optimize all these for portable devices, all shrunk to 1024x768 -- iTunes insists on re-opimizing these, increasing the sync time to [who knows - it's been several hours already...]
- Photo browsing is inflexible, and FWICT, Apple limits what 3rd parties can develop in this area.
I was looking forward to the iPad because of it's awsome industrial design - but I think an upcoming android or win7 pad will have to replace it. Do I really want to pay $600 for a crippled device?
Am I missing something? Is "there an app for that"?
- Photos (like other media, apparently) can not be copied directly to the device - this means that all scripts, smart sync tools, phto managers, native OS copy, etc., are not available and iTunes must be used to sync.
- iTunes treats photos as 2nd-class objects compared to music - photo meta-data is not used for sync or viewing
- I have digital photos from about 2003 on, about 12,000 pics or so. I've written a script to pre-optimize all these for portable devices, all shrunk to 1024x768 -- iTunes insists on re-opimizing these, increasing the sync time to [who knows - it's been several hours already...]
- Photo browsing is inflexible, and FWICT, Apple limits what 3rd parties can develop in this area.
I was looking forward to the iPad because of it's awsome industrial design - but I think an upcoming android or win7 pad will have to replace it. Do I really want to pay $600 for a crippled device?
Am I missing something? Is "there an app for that"?
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