Safari is Apple's default browser on the iPad. There is nothing you can do with it to enable pipelining. I haven't heard of any browser for iOS that can pipeline, though I don't know of any reason why it would be impossible.
This is what Wikipedia has to say about browser supporet for pipelining. Hold in mind that this appears to be about desktop browsers. I very much doubt any of the iOS versions of these browsers support the protocol.
Here is the link to the Wikipedia article for further reading. It looks like even if the browser supports pipelining, it will do nothing unless the host server also has it enabled. In this day, where slower high latency connections are less of an issue, I suspect most servers no longer bother to enable it; though given the ease of enabling it (according to the article) I could be wrong about that.
HTTP pipelining - Wikipedia
Edit: I see this is the same article that giradman pulled his quote from; so I'm being somewhat redundant here.