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Plants vs. Zombies Sequel Announced


iPadForums News Team

PopCap Games has today made millions and trillions of plant lovers and zombie killers all over the world very happy with the announcement that a sequel to Plants vs. Zombies is on the way. In typically silly PopCap style, the developer said that the sequel is “germinating and advancing with rigor,†and should be popping up through the soil sometime in late spring 2013, bursting forth with lots of new features, settings, and situations. Aside from that brief teaser of info, PopCap is giving very little else away about the forthcoming game, but it has managed to get some of its zombie and flower friends to make the following statements!

“Spring is crullest curlie ungood time, and plantz grow dull roots,†noted an unidentified spokesperson. “So, we are meating you for brainz at yore house. No worry to skedule schedlue plan… we're freee anytime. We'll find you.â€

“There was a time we relished a bracing, hearty blend of zombies, in the morning,†said Sonny F. Lower, a representative of the Flora Forever Foundation. “But first, a brisk shower and some strategic pruning are required. Tomorrow is near!â€
Gotta love PopCap’s humour! Excellent stuff.

Source: PopCap Games
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