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Playing VIDEO_TS folders


iPF Noob
On my PC VLC player will play the entire folder just as if it were comming from a DVD. The streaming version of VLC does not have the "folder select" option and each file must be played seperatly.

I just tried QuikIO and that will not do it either. I've had good luck playing these folders on my TV with WD Live and on the PC with VLC.

Any suggestions for this on lthe iPad. Converting all my movies to m4v is a pain.

Hi Bob,

In VLC, just select File > Stream. Then select the Disc tab, and point it to a folder and tap the stream button. That should do it.

As for converting your folders, it shouldn't be too much work. If you drag them onto DVD Catalyst 4, its 1 click to convert all your movies. It just takes a while, depending on how many you have.

DVD Catalyst - Batch Convert
I found out that quikio (program and iOS app) will actually play the VOB files from a VIDEO_TS folder all at once. So you can watch the whole movie straight through. Here is the answer that I got back from their forum:

Let me understand you correctly here. You want to play videos under a folder in the folder view. The reason is because these videos are segments of a full length video and should be played continuously?
If these video are VOB files, the system automatically recognize them as segments for full length video. QuikIO will play continuously under the video view, but not the folder view.
Press the video tab on the left hand side. Choose the video you are interested, it will play the VOBs based on their sequential order using the file name.

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