Is it possible to transfer my windows media playlist from my desktop computer to my iPad3?
Stolen unapologetically from the 'Net:
(1) Save your WMP playlists as M3U files (get "save as" option in same area you go to edit playlists
(2) Open Windows Explorer to folder where that playlist is
(3) Open iTunes alongside Windows Explorer window
(4) Drag M3U files(s) to the PLAYLIST section of iTunes (make sure to drop it in the left-hand pane under the Playlists section
iTunes will then read the file and create a playlist.
Or, you could try importing that M3U playlist into iTunes from iTunes' file menu (File > Import).
Note that I've not tried either way, so I hope it works.

Oh, and the actual, physical music has to also be loaded in iTunes (else it won't know how to find/play the songs in your playlist(s)).
Hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how you get on.