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Please help me with some decisions about recipe storage etc.


iPF Noob
Hello everyone I just received my new ipad yesterday.

I do A LOT of cooking and have thousands and thousands of recipes on slips of paper, in word documents, bookmarked in favorites, on pinterest , etc. I finally want to collect them all in one place and then plan to use my ipad in the kitchen. One of the things I'm frightened of is losing my recipes. I lost some years ago when someone thought they backed up my computer before doing work on it. My computer is now automatically backed up.

Anyway, back to my wants and questions. I want my recipes available both on my computer and on my ipad. I also want to be able to make changes on either device and have the changes available on both. I also want to be able to print recipes or possibly make gift recipe books. I'm thinking of making a template and then just plug the information in so that all my recipes will have the same feel. I also want my recipes private.

After using pinterest I've realized I am a visual person and very much like to see a photo when making a recipe decision. If there is a way to create my own pinterest like cookbook on my computer/ipad that is what I would do.

I've considered using evernote or paprika but wonder about having my recipes out there and if something happens to one of these companies what happens to my recipes. LOL...as you can see I'm a little gun shy from my last loss. I've also read that the printed pages are sometimes funky from either just evernote or both evernote and paprika.

The other ways I've thought of storing my recipes is either in pages or keynote. I've never used iwork before and would have to convert my word document recipes to whichever I'm going to use. Someone also mentioned iphoto but I question how much text I can put there.

I also would like to minimize touching the tablet while cooking to keep it clean. I have a wonderful adjustable depth cookbook stand in the kitchen with an acrylic front. I also order an external keyboard to type/make changes. LOL..I wish there was a mouse for the tablet but instead I guess arrow keys and a stylus will have to do. Is there a particular brand of stylus you recommend? I would love if it had a long or adjustable handle so that I will not have to fold down the acrylic cover that will be protecting the ipad.

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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