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Polk Audio Woodbourne


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Polk Audio Woodbourne

I'm back to tell you about this awesome little beast.

$600 Canadian will buy you a speaker system that is WAY better than its mere specifications might suggest.

Mine was an open box, missing the remote control that normally ships with it, but considering I paid CDN$200 for it, I'm not complaining.

It sounds great, and apparently contains circuitry that prevents the deaf and stupid (me) from blowing it into the middle of next week with too high volume levels, and is this thing ever loud? I filled a 4 bay truck shop with sound from it, and had people running to see what was pumping out the sounds.

The Apple connection?

AirPlay, of course. And it also has wifi so it will play iTunes music over your network. If you must wire it in, just plug into an Airport Express and you are good to go. It also has Bluetooth, so it's good for anyone who doesn't yet use Apple equipment.

Would I have paid $600? There are other speakers out there that will do pretty much the same for a lot less, but this quality? Not much, so I'd give it the thumbs up at full retail.

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