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Portfolio for iPad and other portfolio apps


iPF Noob
Hello all, my first thread...

I ordered an iPad last Friday and it hasn't arrived yet. The biggest reason for it? I want to be able to make graphic design presentations to potential clients and I'm hoping an app like this one will be just what I need...

Portfolio for iPad - An app for photographers, designers, florists and others to present a branded portfolio

Does anyone on here make presentations to clients with their iPad and are there other apps that might be better suited for this purpose?

Thanks in advance for any advice...
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The build in photo gallery app and keynote.


Thanks Jon. Since I haven't received it, I've yet to discover the native apps that might serve this purpose. The reviews in the App Store for the Portfolio for iPad are a bit confusing as they are so mixed. Some ppl rave about it and say it's exactly what they need... others say it isn't very good at all, crashes all the time, terrible UI and don't waste your money. :confused:
You might look st Collections also. Its considably less expensive than Portfolios and very customizable. There was just another nice upgrade today. The developer is constantly improving the app and offers what you state you need.

There's an app called "Curator" for the ipad that looks like it'd be perfect to make a portfolio to show to clients. Very clean, puts your work front and center. I remember seeing the video of it on the DesignMilk site, seems very polished

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