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Portion of sound in video not playing on the iPad 3


iPF Noob
This is somewhat difficult to explain. I created a home video with Final Cut Pro 7. I exported the video using Compressor in several different format including a DVD. There is one section of the audio that just wont play on the iPad 3 (using the Videos App -either direct or shared from my iMac). It will play via an Apple TV (from my iMac), it will play in iTunes, it will play on the DVD it will play with Quicktime (Player and & Pro). But there is just one portion of the video that the sound just doesn't play on the iPad 3. I have deleted and reinstalled the video on my iPad (and iTunes) several times, no luck. The same video also plays on my iPhone 4 with no problem using the sam App? Here is the iformation on the video: .m4v, Codecs: video track H.264, sound trakc AAC (960 x 720). I would like to thank you in advance for any assistance amd or information concerning this issue.

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