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Possible to make 2 seperate back ups?


iPF Noob
Hey there,

I have just jail broken my iPad 2 and before JB I had an back up made. This is without JB.
Now I want to make another back up, containing the JB in case I want a restore or so. Is it possible to make 2 back ups?
Thank u in advance.
Backups are differentiated by the time and date of the backup. A new backup does not remove an older backup.

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
Previous times, if i made i back up.. I only see the ones I have last backed up and can't go back to earlier back ups. Am I doing something wrong?
I'll google some more. But thanks for the tip :)
I have made a back up yesterday before jailbreak. Now I made new one. Now I only see three back ups.. 1 of 2012, 1 of October 2013, and now. Can't find the one i saved yesterday. Did I lose my back up ( without JB) Or is iTunes maxed to 3 back ups. Should I delete the older ones? Because they are back ups for iOS 4.3.3 and iOS 5.1.1.

P.s I have checked my folder, only saw 3 back ups just as iTunes stated.
How do I do a proper back up?
Thank u.
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Did you physically click the Restore button? Or did you just plug your device in and saw the brief "backing up" on the top.
Multiple backups are not kept. The same backup file is updated each time you do one, and the time/date changed to reflect that update. If you see multiple backups then they are for different devices, or you've confused the backup process enough that it created another backup that it thinks belongs to a different device.

The only way to have more than one back up using Apple's software is to use iTunes to do the backing up, and copy older backups to another place before doing a new one. If you have a Mac and use Time Machine, this is already done. While not easily done, you can retrieve older backups from Time Machine and use them.

You can also, manually, copy your backup file to another location.

I used to have a link that showed where the backup files were stored on OS X and Windows, but they've updated that help page and it's not longer included. You can probably find the location for your operating system with a Google Search.
Another way to have two backups is to have two profiles (user logon) on your computer. Even if the second one is for the roll back backup only.

Sent from my iPad using IPF
Thanks for the help :)
I usually back up by clicking the back up option.
Then it's fine.. I am happy and checking out tweaks now.

I have no idea where to report this, but if u put iFile in a folder, it doesn't work anymore. This is the version which was made for iOS 7.
Thanks once again ppl :)
If you edit the info.plist file in the backup folder , you can change the name of the backup file. This will also trigger itunes to start a new backup file when it detects this and not overwrite. I have been saving multiple backups in his way whenever i am about to do something major, such as switching devices, jailbreaking etc. try it out and see.
...[snip]...I have no idea where to report this, but if u put iFile in a folder, it doesn't work anymore. This is the version which was made for iOS 7.

Could you talk about more about this? Let's see if we can figure out what's going on. Because I have iFile (v 2.0.1-1, the most current/updated for iOS 7) in a folder on my iPad Air and it opens fine when I tap on it.

So, can you give us some more details so we can figure out what might be wrong? Thanks.

Could you talk about more about this? Let's see if we can figure out what's going on. Because I have iFile (v 2.0.1-1, the most current/updated for iOS 7) in a folder on my iPad Air and it opens fine when I tap on it. So, can you give us some more details so we can figure out what might be wrong? Thanks. Marilyn

I have uninstalled the tweak and reinstalled it and now it's working fine. I am not sure what happened yesterday.
If you edit the info.plist file in the backup folder , you can change the name of the backup file. This will also trigger itunes to start a new backup file when it detects this and not overwrite. I have been saving multiple backups in his way whenever i am about to do something major, such as switching devices, jailbreaking etc. try it out and see.

Thanks, I will give it a try!

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