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Post it Notes


iPF Noob
Does anyone know of an App that will let you post sticky notes on the Home Screen directly, or on the Lock Screen. I have found an iPhone app but it does not work on iPad. I have found quite a few sticky note apps for iPad but they all open in new screens / note boards. Any ideas?
I have found a thing called "Stickies" but it involves actually creating a background image, saving it to your photos and then setting the image which includes the note as your home or lock screen in settings!! Hellishly complicated for a post it note!
Grandad: I was intrigued by your question. So, off to Google I went. I found this app:


It's an app that will create little icons on your home screen (if you wish). Or, you can leave the notes within the app. The cool thing is you can write on the note with your finger, making it a quick note taker. You can also set an alarm to have BugMe! send you a push notice. Very cool.

It uses Safari to create the note on your homescreen. It does a lot of things, actually. There is a BugMe! Lite which is free (but only lets you have 3 notes at a time) and the full function app is $1.99 USD.

I actually liked it so much that I purchased the full featured one. Just what I need, another app store purchase. :D

Hope this is what you are thinking of. Good luck.


P.S. I am assuming you can get it in the UK - because my first Google search said the app wasn't available in the USA ... but it was. Plus, the app description in the app store talks about how wonderfully people in Australia and Europe like it. So, apologies if you can't get it...
Thank you!

Well Marilyn thank you very much!
I just downloaded the lite version to see what it was like, and it is brilliant!
I wasn't expecting to get the push feature, so that is a real bouns! Pretty easy to use, and as we say over here "does exactly what it says on the can"
So I am going to buy the full app!
I knew if I posted this on iPad Fourms I would get a answer! Fantastic community here. Best forum Ihave ever belonged to by far......
Thanks again. :)
No problem, Graham, glad it worked for you.

Actually, I really like the app, so I am glad you asked about something like it. Now I am highly entertained making notes with it (I'm toying with the idea of putting an icon on some homepages so I can quickly ID what's on the page).

Regardless, it's highly entertaining - and does a lot! Thanks for "making" me go look for it. :)


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