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Posting photos to facebook what app?


iPF Noob
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Australia Perth
Hi all,

What the best app to use for posting pics to facebook? The web site is good for general face booking and IM+ has you covered for chat but what about posting pics? Don't like using the iPhone app.


Sad but true.

You do get an e-mail address that will work for uploading pics tho.
Full force converts the iPhone Facebook into iPad mode no problem. You have to be jail broken though.
Like I said, Full Force makes it an iPad app more or less.
I upload them straight from my phone using the email address facebook gives you - if its a photo taken from my cell phone. If its a photo taken from my camera, I have to load them to a desktop/laptop before sending to the ipad anyway, so I just upload to FB while I'm there.

If you use photobucket, you can upload using their app and then share to facebook from photobucket. That wont put them in your FB albums though.

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