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Private browsing .. Not so private !

Well just for your information, Google will store information about any device using it services Via Their terms of service. My best advice about your problem is to simply refrain from search engines all together or find one that is not obligated to "track" you like google is. Ty for your time.
I just found out that with Ios5 if you go on Facebook, it will be shown in your Bookmark History even if you are using Private Browsing.
As anyone discovered other occurences when your internet websites visits have been showing in your Bookmark History when on Private browsing ?
As anyone found out how to configure your ipad in order to eliminate any web sites visits showing in your history, as private browsing meant to me.
Thanks for your cooperation.

It's easier to just use a free full screen private browser. search for "free full screen private browser" on App Store

Then you can just forget about clearing history etc.

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