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Private browsing?

From Apple's web site:

Private Browsing in iOS 5 protects private information and blocks some websites from tracking your behavior. Safari doesn't remember the pages you visit, your search history, or your AutoFill information.

Note: While Private Browsing is enabled, the Safari bars appear black or dark instead of blue or gray.

There's more about privacy settings here (Apple's site): http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1677

Thanks Mickey for the info. Does anyone use this?

Savvy children are fond of it, as it prevents parents from finding out where the've been browsing. ;)

The mildly paranoid or legitimately secure use it, to prevent anyone who gains access to their device from finding out what they've been doing in Safari. It also helps to cut down on how much information sites gather about your browsing habits.

I would probably use it if I borrowed anyone else's device to check my email or other stuff (in Safari). It would prevent the accidental storage of my password(s) and browsing history on their device; so that they would not be able to visit the same site and end up logged in as me.

The down sides of using it are:

Some sites don't work without Cookies, which Private Browsing blocks.
Sites that usually remember you for future visits, won't.
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