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Private browsing?


iPF Noob
Is there any sort of private browsing for Safari on iPad? I don't think Apple will let Firefox or any other browsers onto the App Store (the joy of a closed ecosystem), so I'm looking for any way that I can browse privately without having to go to Settings and clear everything afterward.
Is there any sort of private browsing for Safari on iPad? I don't think Apple will let Firefox or any other browsers onto the App Store (the joy of a closed ecosystem), so I'm looking for any way that I can browse privately without having to go to Settings and clear everything afterward.

Firefox and Opera are fighting hard to get on the platform....it will happen sooner than you think. Don't lose hope. The closed system was fine when there was no competition, but Apple is smart...they will gradually open the platform and evolve it to more of a desktop OS with iPad in the wild now.
What Traveler is trying to say: "How do i view porn on the ipad then how do i remove any trace of it"?

Simple answer - don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Traveler is trying to say: "How do i view porn on the ipad then how do i remove any trace of it"?

Simple answer - don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's funny but to be honest why go to sites on other ppl ipads if u don't want them to see it and if it's your iPad just erase everything I do everyday after I'm threw with my iPad or iPhone I just think it runs smoother once I do that
Simon, your reply is both presumptuous and idiotic. By your immediate assumption and admonition, it reads rather more like the admission of guilt by an avid consumer of porn than any sort of informative answer to the question posed.

After all, are you really willing to let your co-workers, friends and family see your entire browsing history? Hmm, let's see... where you bank, your account numbers and balances for a start. Oh, you're researching what medical conditions? And ordering what sorts of medications? Maybe you're looking at job postings for other companies, or even within your own company. Grievance procedures from your union? Interesting. And this is just off the top of my head, with as little reference to my own privacy needs as possible.

Privacy matters, at least to me. There are far more interesting reasons to desire private browsing than something as mundane as porn.

And in case anyone really cares, there's an app called BrowseBetter that seems to fit the bill quite nicely.
Other people don't use my ipad anyway, it's not something I would pass around. My husband has checked it out and he is welcome to use it but he isn't a tech person and I have nothing to hide from him, nor do I ever delete my browsing history he can see if he wants.
"Sense of humor"... god didn't pass 'em out to everyone so some people just need to find one.

And like others have mentioned... if privacy is a concern you have a couple of options:
1) three clicks: Bookmarks > History > Clear History
2) lock your iPad with a 4 digit login code and don't let others use it or have your code.
Simon, your reply is both presumptuous and idiotic. By your immediate assumption and admonition, it reads rather more like the admission of guilt by an avid consumer of porn than any sort of informative answer to the question posed.

After all, are you really willing to let your co-workers, friends and family see your entire browsing history? Hmm, let's see... where you bank, your account numbers and balances for a start. Oh, you're researching what medical conditions? And ordering what sorts of medications? Maybe you're looking at job postings for other companies, or even within your own company. Grievance procedures from your union? Interesting. And this is just off the top of my head, with as little reference to my own privacy needs as possible.

Privacy matters, at least to me. There are far more interesting reasons to desire private browsing than something as mundane as porn.

And in case anyone really cares, there's an app called BrowseBetter that seems to fit the bill quite nicely.

Why so serious?

Your friends must be pretty dodgy characters if they can find all that out just from spending a few minutes with your iPad
ok here the deal there is a not a guy here that does not have some form of adult website on there personal computers you can say no i do not ..but you have some form of a adult base website ..from movies to pictures ..

just do as the person said go in and delete the browser history ..or leave it ..up to you.. and yes i have two adult websites saved in my internet bookmarks on the ipad ..one website where my girlfriend does her model photos on and the other is a vintage photo website that has a lot of the bettypage photos along with a lot of the 40s and 50s and 60s stars and there photos ..
most of my friends are little stange type of people.. they are more of the computer techno greeks types ..my girlfriend is one of the stangest one of the crowd.. do not get me wrong ..she is a really great person ..but she does have view of the world that makes me look like a kind an gentle person compared to her ..

iam little rough around the edges about things and my beliefs in the world about it beening a cold and hard place for 10 years before i got hurt i was on the P.d of a major city in the southwest area and beening a M.P. in the army did not help me much in the areas of when is came human milk of kindess with people ..i saw things that made me a little mean and nasty when it comes to dealing with people and how to deal with the people..

but she like my wife.. she give you the shirt off her back along with food if you need it.. but try to take it by force or steal it she chop your hand off and feed it to you for fun ..jan my girlffriend used to live next door to us and her and my wife where friends for alot of years before we started dateing ..

my wife was a stong faith type of person and when my girlfriend lived next door to us her and my wife used to have coffee in the morning when she was in town or on the weekends if had to work that day ..my wife used to think that what person did for a liveing did not really matter for a long as you took care of the kids in the house and made sure they had the things in one life that need..the funny thing was my wife would see the cloths and help her sometimes when the photoshoots where in area with the diff cloths that they would model from the trashly stuff to the really nice ballroom gowns with the gloves and the shoes .so it was funny to see a two type of from diff backgrounds just hang out togerther ..they would come laughing there heads off about something and it would be a joke between them and one them would just say a word and they would starting laughing all over again..

when my wife passed away . jan was over there a lot helping me along with the rest of the little group of friends and family.. she had moved out to CA area to start fresh after her husband walked out on her and the kid.. we had lost touch with each other over the years with me going a diff route in life after beening hurt in a car wreck one weekend and then going to work for the diff line of work and bounceing all over the country for my job ..

so when i was down in southern Ca area for a job.. someone we both know fixed us up on a blind date for dinner party and when i got there and saw her i had no idea she was the blind date for the that i was takeing out for dinner that night .. i said hi long time no see ..that when the hostness said this was the person i was telling you about ..we both started to laugh and we both said at the same time we are old friends ..that how we started to date and beening togerther since then .where how do you say comfortable with each other ..both our kids are grown up and left the nest and we both have out own lifes but also have each other in our own lifes..

a lot of the people in my life do not get the whole thing about why do i could date the person that does that ..i tell them it a job and when you can knock down about $.1500.oo dollars a day for 7 hours of work come back and talk to me and do for three to four days a week and make that typle of money ..
I recently saw a short story on yahoo news or msnbc or one of the news outlets and it said there was a study that some researchers were trying to conduct, on the percentage of men who do or don't view porn. The study was cancelled as they could not identify any men that had not viewed porn in the entire initial study group.

Let's face it, men and women will probably never agree on this subject. Not wanting to overgeneralize, but men may see porn as fairly harmless, and here is the key to that statement, when it comes to how they see their partner. While many women who I have spoken to find it very objectionable, again, when it comes to how they see, or relate to their partner.

My observation is purely opinion.
how do i say this without makeing the women mad ..they like to see it but in a more romantic way and not a lot of the hardcore stuff ..more like the romantic book verison of the way doing it with style and class of a great romantic movie of the oldern days ..

men on the other hand are just dogs when it comes to things..and leave to that quote

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