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Problem closing Pandora


iPF Noob
I am unable to get my iPad 2 to close Pandora. I tried to google how to shut it off and only found comments about double clicking the "home" button. Yeah, I did that and then saw a Pandora icon and then put my finger on that until it wiggled and then went away, but the Pandora stuff is still on my screen.

Does anyone know, VERY SPECIFICALLY, about how to shut down Pandora? I apologize if I sound dumb, but at this point, I'm desperate for detailed instructions. My device is totally unusable now. I tried shutting it off and restarting, but the Pandora stuff always comes back.

Just to be specific as to my status: the screen shows a Pandora logo in the upper right corner of the screen, with the list of stations on the left. In the big open space, it says "No station selected." If I double click the "home button", the list of icon shows at the bottom, but Pandora no longer shows.

BTW, I called Apple and they told me they wouldn't help unless I paid them. That really irritated me on a $900 item that I had only made one brief call on.

Thanks very much in advance for any help!
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If you're accustomed to using Pandora on other devices, I can see how this is confusing on the iPad. For example, on my PC if I hit the single triangle at the bottom of the Pandora app, I get two bars and the play ceases, i.e. something that looks like II. But in that case Pandora hasn't "stopped." It has paused. I have to hit the "x" in the upper right of the screen to close the app. And if I don't, I'll get a message after awhile asking if I'm still listening. This is very different from the use of Pandora on the iPad.

On the iPad in order to "close" (i.e. stop) Pandora you simply press the button at the top of the screen to stop the playback. Then push the close button on the iPad bevel (ONCE) to close the app. You're done. Don't worry about "killing" the app in the multi-task bar that you see if you double tap the close button. Even if Pandora appears there you don't have to kill it specifically.

From your description, however, I think you may never have created a Pandora account or created individual stations for yourself. I never had to do that because I was already a Pandora customer so I just signed in and my list of stations already existed. So once you create and/or sign in to a Pandora account you can then create "stations" for yourself by pushing the + field in the upper left of the screen. You don't have to worry about logging out of Pandora, by the way. Just close Pandora and when you return it will log you in automatically.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the comment. Maybe you can add some more. I previously had a Pandora account. The left side of my screen shows multiple radio stations. I can start and stop stations. You said to "push the close button on the iPad bevel (ONCE) to close the app." I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about when you say "the iPad bevel." What exactly is the iPad "bevel."

I have pressed the "home" button, the round button on the left as I view the screen in landscape mode. When I do that, I see a normal "desktop" look to the system. But if I then click on Safari, intending to say, look at CNN.com, all the iPad will do is go back that the same Pandora screen. It simply won't let me go to anything else. I can't enter a web address because all the screen has is the Pandora stuff. What can I do to close Pandora and web browse?
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The "close" button is the "home" button. The "bevel" is the border around the screen. I think we're on the same page about that, at least. Now as to your (VERY WEIRD) problem. What you say above is that when you try to open Safari for web browsing you get Pandora, instead. Try the following hold down both the power button on the right side and the home button on the left until the iPad completelyl shuts down on its own (without swiping as it requests). The Apple logo will then appear and the system will reboot. Now see if you can open Safari (without having opened Pandora) and see what you're looking at. If its the Pandora website, enter something else in the url address bar at the top. (That assumes of course that you now have safari rather than Pandora on your screen.) Now close Safari (one click on the home button) and open Pandora. Then try opening Safari again. Report back. :)

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