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Problem downloading / updating Apps

Hi A.K.P... - welcome to the forum! :)

Although not a issue for me (yet, crossing fingers!), this updating issue seems to be an occasional problem for many - please take a look at this Forum Post, AND also follow the link in the second responding post - good luck and please let us know if the solutions help you?
Thanks guys. The problem solved. I did a complete shut down with power off and restarted the IPad and it worked. I could download and update apps from ITunes Store. Happy!!
Thanks for the feedback. It's very useful when we know that a solution worked.

I need some help regarding a new app Office2 Pro for Good. The claim of the app regarding word processing and excel etc for I pad appears very useful especially when I use my laptop, desktop and IPad concurrently. It needs some IT approved Access Key to operate the app other than the mail I d. Can any one guide me how does one go about this process. Has anyone used it and how useful is it?? Thank you n hope get some solution and feed back from able friends.
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

I've moved your thread to our Help Section where you will receive a better response.
Where do I look for the response. How can I access Help Section ? Thanks

You will notice no change at all, the thread has already been moved. More members will view it in this Forum and you will have a better chance of an answer being found.

So don't worry, it just may take some time depending on time zones, most members work also and this has an impact.
Is it possible to install what's App in my IPad 2 without jail break??? Will appreciate guidance.

Hi again A.K.P.​ - not sure what app you are trying to install & your potential need for a jailbroken iPad? Please explain and state whether the issue has to do w/ your last request left back @ the end of April - good luck! :)
I wanted to install social net work app What's App in my IPad 2 . Is it possible. Not relayed with earlier quarries .

Well, if you are referring to this app HERE, then only the iPhone and other smartphones seem to be supported at this time - a quote below from their FAQ section states that tablets are currently not an option - sorry. :)

Other devices are not supported at this time. If you try to download WhatsApp on an unsupported device, you will receive a message that your device is not supported and you will not be able to download WhatsApp. We currently do not support tablets, computers, or Wi-Fi only devices, and do not plan to do so in the foreseeable future.

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