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Problem in converting movie..PLEASE HELP!!


iPF Noob
I have problem in converting movie into mp4 :ipad-movie:..

I'm using AVC (Any video converter) and i cannot sync the audio into the video.. I've tried it so many times and failed again and again. i think the problem is in the setting of the converter but I dont know how..PLEASE help me..I need a professional advise ..thank you:)

I also want to ask for better set up of video for ipad..i want to watch in whole screen not just half of it..thank you so much..really appreciate if you get back to me..:p
CineXPlayer app


I was having a similar nightmare converting video, so I started using an app called cineXPlayer, which has been awesome.

Really straight forward to use and you don't have to convert any files.

It's cheap too!!

Hopefully this helps


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