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Problem since the upgrade


iPF Noob
Was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Sometimes when I click on links on the web, safari closes by itself. Anyone had this issue?
Was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Sometimes when I click on links on the web, safari closes by itself. Anyone had this issue?

What you describe is an app "crashing." Such crashes are designed by Apple to look very civilized and non-violent. :) But they are crashes, nevertheless. There have been a number of reports of Safari crashing since iOS 5 was introduced. I don't believe a fix has been found though I suspect it may be more prevalent on the iPad 1 than the iPad 2 simply because the latter has more available memory. My guess is that the forthcoming update (iOS 5.0.1) may fix the problem even if Apple doesn't mention it.
Thank you! I've reset the iPad 2 a bunch of times but the problem continues. Hopefully they will have a fix soon.
Dawn1227 said:
Was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Sometimes when I click on links on the web, safari closes by itself. Anyone had this issue?

I periodically have this with a few apps.
Dawn1227 said:
Was just wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Sometimes when I click on links on the web, safari closes by itself. Anyone had this issue?

I have this problem, strangely only with gmail ... It accepts the login details, begins the page opening process and shuts down. This is not just frustrating but also a real problem. I am unable to access my email. Can anyone help? Apple team are you reading this forum at all?
I'm having the same problem with my iPad 1 - safari spontaneously closing while in the middle of searching a page ... and it's driving me crazy! I'm up to date with all updates and I've tried resetting to no avail...

The other thing I have noticed, is that I can no longer copy and paste images from one web page directly to another web page. As I have a tumblr, this is a problem! I can get around it by pasting first onto a page in notes, then copying that URL address onto the new web page. But it is certainly clumsy and time consuming when you want to copy/paste 10+ pictures quickly. Does anyone know why, or what the solution is? I've looked in the various settings, but nothing makes any difference.
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