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PROBLEM when emailing photos


iPF Noob
Sep 18, 2011
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Hi Guys,

I am new to this forum so apologies for any mistakes I make. So I just jailbroke my ipad2 and everything is going hunkdorey but when I try and email a photo (i.e. take a picture and go into the photo application and press send via email) the white email box that pops up seems to be stuck in the top corner. There is only about 1/5 of it visible and I cannot get it to come back to the middle of the page. Ive reset my iPad2 but to no avail.

Anyone else had this problem b4?

Much appreciated,
Think back on the tweaks that you've loaded onto your iPad (from Cydia). The odds are that one of them is incompatible with the iPad and that is what is causing your problem.

I'd recommend removing any tweak(s) you put on just before your e-mail problem. Then, put them back on, one at a time, until you find the one that is causing the trouble.

Or, give us a list of the tweaks you've installed and we can maybe tell which one is the rogue one.

Either way, hope this helps and let us know how you get on.

I had a weird issue last week, I was going to do app updates and was informed for security reasons I had to change my apple ID password. So I did that and it also wanted me to re-enter the security code for my credit card that is on file with my iTunes account. I clicked in the field and for some reason the keyboard would not apper to allow me to enter the code. Had to open notepad, type the code, copy it and then go back to iTunes and paste it in. Haven't had any other issues since but it was weird. I did get confirmation emails from apple about changing my password so it wasn't malware/virus or anything like that.

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